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Ag Talk is a new podcast dedicated to taking a deeper look into Utah agriculture and food production. Our goal is to help give our listeners a better understanding of how their food is grown, introduce them to those who work in the industry every day, and help explore difficult topics such as agriculture water use. We also aim to help Utah's farmers and ranchers have a better understanding of the programs avaialble to them. 

Nov 27, 2023

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it is important for Utah's citizens to understand the regulations around Christmas Tree and firewood importation. 

In the short and sweet episode, we will learn from UDAF Plant Industry Division Director, Rob Hougaard and State Entomologist, Kris Watson to discuss why there are regulation on the importation of firewood and Christmas trees and what consumers should be aware of. 

Episode Resources: 

Don't Move Firewood

Utah Insect and Pest Program

Utah Nursery Program