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Ag Talk is a new podcast dedicated to taking a deeper look into Utah agriculture and food production. Our goal is to help give our listeners a better understanding of how their food is grown, introduce them to those who work in the industry every day, and help explore difficult topics such as agriculture water use. We also aim to help Utah's farmers and ranchers have a better understanding of the programs avaialble to them. 

May 21, 2024

Finding the right grant for your farm or food business can be tricky and it can be hard to know where to look. This is why the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food has added the Grants Specialist position. 

Learn more about how the UDAF grants specialist, Allison Ross, can help you in your grant finding journey as well as learn about some of the grants available to you through the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food in this final episode of season 1. 

Guests on this episode are Marketing and Economic Development Director, Caroline Hargraves, and Grant Specialist, Allison Ross. 

We will be back in August 2024 with Season 2 of Ag Talk with UDAF!

UDAF Grants Page