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Ag Talk is a new podcast dedicated to taking a deeper look into Utah agriculture and food production. Our goal is to help give our listeners a better understanding of how their food is grown, introduce them to those who work in the industry every day, and help explore difficult topics such as agriculture water use. We also aim to help Utah's farmers and ranchers have a better understanding of the programs avaialble to them. 

Feb 19, 2024

The Agriculture Voluntary Incentive Program, or commonly referred to as the Ag VIP program, is an important program that helps farmers and ranchers create nutrient management plans to help them better utilize these nutrients, while also protecting the safety of our natural resources, such as water sources. 


Feb 12, 2024

Pollinators play a vital role in our environment and agriculture production, which is why it is important to protect them. In this Bonus episode, learn more about the pollinator program and how it helps create habitats for these important insects throughout the state of Utah from UDAF conservation director, Jim Bowcutt...

Feb 5, 2024

What are Hemp Cannabinoid products and how do they differ from Medical Cannabis products? Join us on this episode of Ag Talk as we discuss hemp cannabinoid products, what they are, how they are regulated, and what products are available for use in Utah. 

Returning guests on this episode are Dr. Brandon Forsyth, Director...